Monday 29 July 2013

Hi Everyone!

Maddy is currently on her camp, hence the delay:

On Friday we went to Cupids which had the first English settlement in Canada when John Guy came with 39 men in 1610 from Bristol.

We went to the Legacy Centre where they told us the history of Cupids and the surrounding area. We had a tour and were very pleased to know that we were from near Bristol.

There is a huge archaeological dig going on nearby after they found a house that John Guy and the other men slept in. They had to bring all their supplies with them and blacksmiths, carpenters and fishermen to help them build a community. Two years later they went back and brought over 16 women along with some other men. Cupids was then the first place where an English baby was born in Canada.

It was very interesting especially because of the link with Bristol. For the last Centenary 100 years ago they received what was then the largest union jack ever made which they flew from a huge flag post. They then made an even larger one to fly on special occasions and keep the original safe.
Also in Cupids is the New World Theatre which is a mini wooden Globe Theatre. We are contemplating going to see the one-woman version of Othello.
That evening we joined Miranda, Chris and Amelia for a BBQ with lots of their friends on a beach. There were lots of other groups there too and even a bunch of dancers doing the tango on a flat patch between the beech and the carpark, as seen on the left below:
It was a lovely scene by the sea.
Joanna mingled as she does and particularly liked Marlin and Maddy and Bel loved hot dogs, toasting marshmallows and playing with Amelia. Miranda enjoyed having someone else keeping an eye out for her. Nick made a DIY date with Pablo.
One the way back we drove up Signal Hill and looked over the Sea and St Jonh's at dusk. End of a lovely day...
On Saturday we drove Maddy to Camp in the middle of nowhere and left her happy and excited with 22 other girls her age and some lovely camp leaders - no doubt Maddy will fill us all in on her return.
Then a regular cup of coffee for N&J at the Rocket coffee shop and bakery on the way back, then picked up Isabel from Yvonne's and went to Miranda's house. Walked up to Marlin and Pablo's house nearby and had lunch. Then Joanna chatted to Marlin, Isabel played with their four year old daughter and Nick helped Pablo work on the playhouse they are building in a small community garden opposite their house. It's a vacant plot which someone bought up to avoid development and he has divided it onto about 10 "plots" which are no more than raised beds about 4 foot by 6 but enough for people to grow some veg, salad or in the case of Miranda lots of lovely strawberries. Around them are grassy paths and a tree at the far end is having the play house/tree house build around it.
Spent the evening with Yvonne, had sweet and sour pork. Quiet without Maddy. Nick is actually reading a novel!
On Sunday we took Yvonne to Rockets - Almond croissant not almondy enough, you can't please all the people all the time - and then swung by the strip mall for Kents (more DIY heaven for Nick) and Costco (for some provisions and a hot dog for Bel). Home for a quick lunch for the rest of us, Joanna and Bel dropped off at more shops and Nick fitted a banister on the stairs down to the basement for Yvonne.
That evening N&J went to Miranda and Chris' for Thai food with their friend Danielle who is a theatre producer, Shakespeare lover and casting director for Doyle - a fairly successful TV cop show set in St John's. Nick working out how he can meet a member of the cast referred to in conversation simply as "Hot Cop"
Today N&J out for coffee again - more for the company, a change of scene and wifi than for caffeine. This is the view from the café window (a change from Rocket's today)
We are taking Bel on the first of 5 days climbing summer camp today from 12 to 3 and will go out for lunch together before picking her up and seeing Miranda and Amelia. Chris will be at work - he puts in lots of hours and seems to really love it.
Picking up Maddy tomorrow so more news then!

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