Friday 2 August 2013

I've been to Goddess Camp!

Hi Everyone!
I have been slowly writing this over a few days so I am sorry it has taken so long to be posted.
Well I have been to a Goddess Camp for four days and three nights. It was amazing. There were 24 girls and we stayed in a camp for two nights and then went backpacking on the East Coast Trail.
We cooked our own food which was tasted nice, we had things like pancakes, sweet and sour pork and pizzas we made ourselves. On the hike we cooked noodles and tofu (which I thought tasted of sponge) and for breakfast we got porridge which was perfect because we camped right on the sea and the wind was really cold. We camped at La Manche which had like a mini Suspension Bridge (Bristol, England is the larger one) and it also had a really warm natural pool. Carrying those backpacks were awful. We had everything in it, tents, sleeping bags, food, clothes ect. and with 23 early teenage girls it was pretty slow. It was still fun though and I made a lot of memories.
Mini Suspension Bridge at La Manche
Somewhere along the hike we got to Doctors Cove which has an amazing climbing rock. It has a very steep face but when you climb over it there is a massive amount of flat rock on lots of different levels. Being a Goddess Camp we had to meditate at some point and our instructor decided that it would be a perfect time because you could hear the ocean and it was very peaceful and calm.
The rock at Doctors Cove
On the rest of the Goddess Camp we did things like canoeing, a spa session, we fixed feathers in our hair, on the next post I will put a photo of my feather), drumming circles, yoga and horse riding.
I came back so relaxed, tanned and with a lot of new friends which I have got contacts of. The all adored my accent which was cool, they all came up to talk to me just to hear me speak and asked me if their accent was weird to me.
We have only really seen my cousin this week and it has been nice and relaxed. We went out for Chinese and yesterday we went for another picnic at Middle Cove. I was walking in the water when I saw lots of fish, capelin. I have never seen a lot of fish in the sea swimming round my legs but when I told Mum they were there she said I could try to catch one. Most of them were too quick but I did manage to catch one which again I will post a photo of next blog post.
Speak tomorrow with the photos!

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