Sunday 11 August 2013

Regatta, Sailing and Stuff

Hi Everyone!
I'm so sorry, I haven't had Wi-Fi for ages and if I did it wouldn't let me get it on my laptop. So tomorrow we will be in Toronto (!), I can't believe its that time already. We have had an amazing time and because I haven't been on Wi-Fi for ages I will update you all on all that has been happening, which is a whole collection of different things.
First up the Regatta. I told you I would blog about it so here we are.
It was very very busy and fun. We watched some of the races but it kind of became in the background after a while. There were some really nice stalls, I found out I was a super taster (finally an excuse for not liking broccoli , super tasters apparently won't like it) and lots of food (the lack of coffee was astounding).
Overall it was very fun. Later that da we took Amelia to Banaman Park. She saw some people throwing and catching a baseball and was amazed by it because she had never seen it.
She always sits down when she concentrates really hard on something and that seemed to be something worth concentrating hard on
Right then the next day we took Amelia out for coffee (she loves it there, tell you more about that later), Bel and I went out with Yvonne for lunch and then Bel and I went to see Despicable Me 2 in the movies which was very funny. We went with the people who invited us to the bonfire a while back.
Then we went sailing! We have lots of photos.
Basically we went to have breakfast at the Royal Newfoundland Yacht Club and then a guy from Wales came and talked to us and we found out he came to his boat all summer and back to Wales in the winter. He then offered us the chance to go for a sail round a little island and to try cod jigging (no luck there).
The stunning uninhabited Kellys Island
Where have it got to now? Yesterday I think. We took Amelia out for coffee. She stands in the window and smiles and giggles and waves at everyone going past. A couple of people even walked into the coffee shop to say how cute she was.
The sweetest little window seat that Amelia loved.
In the afternoon a lady came to our Aunties house and used our makeup to show us how to use it all and created a makeup look for us. It was really fun and as a result we went out and got a couple of things she suggested.
Well that's all I have got time for. I will write tomoz from TORONTO! Whoop whoop!

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