Tuesday 13 August 2013

We have arrived in Toronto!

Hi Everyone!
Well yesterday we arrived in Toronto. We haven't got any photos yet of the place, that will be coming but I have Wi-Fi full time now which is a relief to all of us. The flight went very well and it was amazing seeing the mainland of Canada beneath us.
It is so different from St Johns. I am missing the little city and the bright houses and our family. It is amazing here though, Joanna hardly recognises it because its grown so much, especially in height!
Joanna and I went for an hour and a half walk around us, we are very downtown, and we saw all the people going to work with their takeaway coffees. Today we walked down to the lakeside and also had a little look around the Eaton Centre and may or may not have purchased a few things...
This is only a short blog and there will be a longer one tomorrow I promise. Just to let you all know at the top you will now see a tab saying Home and a new tab saying Newfoundland, check that out! I had a little problem with that however which I will try to work out but there is a pretty good amount of writing there which I have been working on all day.

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