Tuesday 27 August 2013

Niagara Falls - Part Two

Hi Everyone!
I was planning to write this as soon as I got back from the holiday but jet lag has left us all wiped out. Anyways, here it is.
As part of the Niagara Falls experience we went on the Maid of the Mist, which Joanna and Nick did on their honeymoon. The Maid of the Mist is a boat which takes you really close up to the Horseshoe Falls.
The Maid of the Mist
It was very popular but the wait wasn't as long as we all anticipated. We picked up our blue ponchos and made our way onto the crowded boat.
Before the 'Falls Expreince'
The trip took half an hour to go past the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls and really close to the Horseshoe Falls.
American and Bridal Veil Falls
We definitely went over the U.S boarder which excited us and it was incredible to get so close to the waterfalls in the photo above.
Another view of the American Falls and the Bridal Veil Falls
Coming up to the Horseshoe Falls
 As it was such a hot day we were really glad to get sprayed (it felt like drizzle) from the American Falls but it was nothing like what hit us at the Horseshoe Falls.

Rainbow on the water, at one point there was a double rainbow

So yes, we got soaked but it was very nice after such a hot day and even if it had been cooler it still would have been worth it. The Maid of the Mist just topped off the whole Niagara Falls experience and made us forget about the fact we were heading home the next day.
Visiting a vineyard on the way home
A flying Canadian flag
On the way back to downtown Toronto we stopped at a vineyard and a fruit stall by the side of the road which had lovely fresh peaches and driving through some more of Ontario was lovely.
So I hope you enjoyed Part 2. There will be one more post on getting and being home and I am working on another tab going on the top about Toronto and Ontario, like the one I did about Newfoundland. Ta ta!


  1. Good to see the Maid of the Mist is still ferrying tourists in need of a shower ! Kathryn & I went 30yrs ago & the rain ponchos were clear plastic, so clearly high fashion has brought in the uber-stylish blue ones.
    Enjoy your last few days in the land of the moose xx

  2. Looks like you had a great time! I'm Heather and I have a question about your blog! My email is Lifesabanquet1(at)gmail(dot)com :-)
